Author: Michelle

Sky pond sign on sky pond trail

Why Sky Pond Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park is One of the Best Hikes In Colorado

Sometimes Coloradans can be a little nervous about sharing their favorite hikes. And that that reticence can sometimes feel a little like gatekeeping, aren’t the outdoors for everyone? So the fact that I’m going to share one of my favorite hikes in Colorado may feel like blasphemy to some, but for me it’s a wonderful…
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is hiking inclusive featured image of 4 hikers hugging eachother

Is Hiking Actually Inclusive? Surprising Ways That It’s Not and What to Do About It

I grew up hiking in the mountains of Colorado. But, if I told you that I never went hiking with my  mom I bet that would surprise you. In fact, I went hiking and exploring through the many different programs that my mom was able to enroll me in. I was a part of YMCA,…
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great sand dunes national park

Denver to Great Sand Dunes National Park Road Trip

When people think about visiting Colorado they often think of going to the mountains, going skiing or enjoying a Denver Broncos football game. All of these activities and spaces are wonderful to enjoy, but there is so much to do in Colorado and I wanted to introduce you to one of my favorite road trips…
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northwest telluride

Denver to Telluride Colorado Road Trip Instead of Rocky Mountain National Park

Everytime, without fail, when I ask people about their visits to Colorado they will share how they went to Aspen or Vail to ski or just returned from visiting Rocky Mountain National Park or Red Rocks. And, to be honest, I get it. Those areas of the state are really well-known and seem like every…
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Denver to white sands new mexico road trip featured image of a plant in the sand with sky above it

Denver to White Sands, New Mexico Road Trip

One of the best things about living in Denver is the ability to experience and enjoy some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. The road trip is a staple part of the American travel experience. And Coloradans have an incredible variety of trips to pick from. Some of my favorite trips include going…
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best hikes near denver featured image

7 Best Hikes Near Denver That Locals Will Tell You About

Living in close proximity to the Rocky Mountains gives Denverites access to some of the best hiking in the world. But, with the overwhelming growth in the state’s population, locals have become increasingly reluctant to share some of their favorite hiking trails. Their fear is that those favorite spots will be overrun with hikers and…
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The best poc hiking groups to join featured image

The Best POC Hiking Groups to Join

I grew up in Boulder, Colorado and as a result of that upbringing, I experienced exploring the outdoors at a pretty young age. But, my mom wasn’t the one taking me hiking, horseback riding, and camping. She was too busy working and trying to get through university, instead, the local YMCA actively introduced me to…
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colorado trail in the san juan mountain range

Looking for a Thru Hike? Consider the Colorado Trail

Every few years or so a book or movie will come out about an intrepid thru hiker who learns about themselves through the transformative experiences of thru hiking. In fact thru hiking has become such a “thing” that many of us who would never step foot on a trail are familiar with the Pacific Crest…
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hiking safety tips for women featured image

Hiking Safety Tips for Women Hiking Alone

Are you a woman who is interested in hiking but are concerned about your personal safety? As a woman who hikes every month of the year, I am 100% committed to not only focusing on my personal safety as I explore the outdoors but the safety of everyone else who would like to do the…
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view from pikes peak

How to Prepare for the Impact of Climate Change On Your Hike

Living in Colorado, we began noticing that the weather was changing years ago. We noticed that the snow seasons were getting shorter, that rainy days didn’t seem to happen as often and fire seasons were becoming a lot longer. Coloradans and folks across the world have sadly become aware of climate change in real-time. As…
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